
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19 - A Jet Stream in Europa's Ocean?


A jet stream in Europa's ocean?

Jupiter's moon Europa likely has a subsurface ocean, possibly salty, with volcanic vents on its ocean floor. A new study suggests it might also have an oceanic jet stream, comparable to the Gulf Stream back here on Earth. Read more.
Astronomers discover 83 more supermassive black holes
Astronomers used a cutting-edge camera mounted on one of the world's largest telescopes to discover 83 new quasars - powered by central, supermassive black holes - in the very early universe. Read more.

Does an equinox sun rise due east and set due west?

Yes, it really does, as seen from all parts of the globe. Explanation, charts, diagrams, here.
March equinox: All you need to know
The equinox - a seasonal marker in Earth’s orbit around the sun - is coming up on March 20 at 21:58 UTC; translate UTC to your time or read more.
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Tonight … Moon and Regulus
Due to its motion in orbit around Earth, the moon moves its own diameter eastward in front of the stars in about an hour. By Tuesday night, the moon has passed bright Regulus, which might make this bright star even easier to see. Read more.
Saturn at its last equinox
From the European Space Agency's Space Science Image of the Week. Earth’s annual March equinox happens this week, but the equivalent event on Saturn happens only every 15 years. It happened last in 2009. Read more.
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