
Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18 - Goldilocks Stars


Goldilocks stars: Just right for habitable planets

Which stars are the most likely to have habitable planets? A new study suggest that K stars – between the dimmest M-type red dwarfs and sunlike stars – might provide the sweet spot for life. Read more.

Mining the moon

How can the cost of space travel – to and from the moon and possibly to Mars – be reduced? One approach is to mine the moon for necessary resources. Read more.

Are day and night equal at the equinox?

Equinox means equal night. And people say day and night are equal at the equinoxes. Yet Earth's air and our sun conspire to give us more day than night at an equinox. Read more.

Thanks, everybody, for a great 2019 crowd-funder.
You are appreciated, and we love you!

Tonight … Moon and Regulus

Seen from around the world Monday and Tuesday nights, the moon is moving through the constellation Leo the Lion, past the bright star Regulus, the Lion's Heart. Read more.

Storm in a cosmic teacup

This new composite image contains X-ray data from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory (blue) along with an optical view from the Hubble Space Telescope (red and green). The “handle” of the Teacup was likely formed by one or more eruptions powered by this distant quasar's central supermassive black hole. See image and watch a video.

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