The discovery of dozens of pregnant giant devil rays accidently tangled in fishing nets in Mexico’s Gulf of California could mean the endangered species has an unknown birthing zone there.Read more.
"We are go for launch!" said Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye. Funded by space enthusiasts, LightSail 2 aims to accomplish the 1st-ever, controlled solar sail flight in Earth orbit next month.Read more.
Meet Spica in the constellation Virgo, one of our sky's most fascinating stars. On Wednesday and Thursday, the moon is near Spica, which the only bright star in the large, rambling constellation Virgo the Maiden.Read more and find more charts.
Bright pass of the International Space Station above Rome, Italy, on April 30, viaGianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project. The bright object above the skyline, to the lower left, is the moon.Click in for a second image, on which Gianluca has identified constellations and planets.
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