
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30 - Meet Saturn

Tonight … Moon and Saturn close
The moon is now past full, ascending in the east several hours after sunset. Saturn - now nearly at its best for 2018 - is the nearest bright object.
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Manhattanhenge comes to New York City

Each year on May 29 and 30 - and again in early July - New Yorkers watch for Manhattanhenge. Here's what causes it.
The real story behind that melted camera
NASA's melted camera became a social media phenomenon last week. Here’s the story behind the picture.
Planet-hunter Kepler keeps going as fuel dwindles
Kepler has discovered thousands of exoplanets, and soon will run out of fuel. Now it's begun its 18th observing campaign, with a focus on objects including the famous nearby Beehive star cluster and infamous asteroid Apophis.

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Tonight … Moon and Saturn close
Saturn isn't the brightest object in the night sky, but it's the brightest object near the moon Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Manhattanhenge comes to New York City

Manhattanhenge photo by EarthSky community member Gowrishankar Lakshminarayanan. Thanks, Gowri!
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