
Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 31 - The Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything

The Standard Model theory of particle physics
"What a dull name for the most accurate scientific theory known to human beings ... As a theoretical physicist, I’d prefer The Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything."
Help EarthSky keep going!

WOW! We are humbled and grateful for the amazing 1st day of our yearly crowd-funding campaign. Heartfelt thanks to all who donated yesterday. Click here to donate.

Tonight … Moon closest to Saturn
The waning moon and planet Saturn are closer tonight than last night. You just have to wait to see them, rising in the east several hours after sunset.
Viewing Saturn's rings soon? Read me 1st 
The best few months of 2018 for seeing Saturn's glorious rings is upon us. You've seen the photos, but maybe you want to see the rings with your own eyes? Here are a few things to think about.
Today is Walt Whitman's birthday
"Love the earth and sun and the animals ..."

Enjoying EarthSky news without ads? Donate today

We dream of the day that your direct sponsorship will create for you an ad-free website. With your help, as an interim step, we want to offer the option of an ad-free newsletter in the second half of 2018. Donate today to help make this dream a reality!

Tonight … Moon closest to Saturn
The waning moon and planet Saturn are closer tonight than last night. You just have to wait to see them, rising in the east several hours after sunset.
Moon, Saturn, Mars before dawn June 1-3
Or wait to see them until daybreak tomorrow. If you're up before dawn, be sure to look for red planet Mars to the east of the moon and Saturn.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

EarthSky Needs Your Help

Help EarthSky Keep Going - Donate Now
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Help EarthSky

Keep Going

Donate Now

Hello, friends of the Earth and sky! People sometimes ask how EarthSky is funded. A huge part of the answer is our yearly crowd-funding campaign, which began today. We won't kid you. We need you and your support to keep going into 2018 and beyond!

Visit our campaign page to learn some of our needs and goals for the coming year

Server Upgrades

Especially during big sky events, we had been maxing out our host servers. With your support, we've now migrated our content to a more powerful platform. 

New Tonight Page

We're constantly trying to make our Tonight pages better. In the year ahead, we want to redesign the Tonight pages, to help you access all the great info there more easily. 

Ad-Free Website

We dream of the day that your direct sponsorship will create for you an ad-free website. With your help we want to start offering the option of an ad-free newsletter.
Donate Now
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May 30 - Meet Saturn

Tonight … Moon and Saturn close
The moon is now past full, ascending in the east several hours after sunset. Saturn - now nearly at its best for 2018 - is the nearest bright object.
Help EarthSky keep going...we NEED your help!

Hello, friends of the Earth and sky! Our yearly crowd-funding campaign starts today. Click here to donate and to learn our goals for the coming year.

Manhattanhenge comes to New York City

Each year on May 29 and 30 - and again in early July - New Yorkers watch for Manhattanhenge. Here's what causes it.
The real story behind that melted camera
NASA's melted camera became a social media phenomenon last week. Here’s the story behind the picture.
Planet-hunter Kepler keeps going as fuel dwindles
Kepler has discovered thousands of exoplanets, and soon will run out of fuel. Now it's begun its 18th observing campaign, with a focus on objects including the famous nearby Beehive star cluster and infamous asteroid Apophis.

Enjoying EarthSky news without ads? Donate today

We dream of the day that your direct sponsorship will create for you an ad-free website. With your help, as an interim step, we want to offer the option of an ad-free newsletter in the second half of 2018. Donate today to help make this dream a reality!

Tonight … Moon and Saturn close
Saturn isn't the brightest object in the night sky, but it's the brightest object near the moon Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Manhattanhenge comes to New York City

Manhattanhenge photo by EarthSky community member Gowrishankar Lakshminarayanan. Thanks, Gowri!
Submit your photo to EarthSky here!
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