
Monday, June 5, 2017

EarthSky News - June 5 - A Novel Approach to Star Trails

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A novel approach to star trails

Featured in National Geographic and Nature, Canadian amateur astronomer Christian Sasse explains how he creates his unique star trails, by superimposing images.

Saturn's moon may have tipped over

Scientists used Cassini spacecraft images to show that Saturn's moon Enceladus may have tipped away from its original spin axis by 55 degrees - more than halfway toward rolling onto its side.

Circumpolar stars don't rise or set

Many star trail photos rely on circumpolar stars, which don't rise or set, but instead stay above the horizon all hours of the day, every day and every night of the year.

Astro festivals, star parties, workshops

Summer fun!  Find a star party near you.

EarthSky Lunar Calendars are on sale 50% OFF

A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar. Keep up with all phases of the moon every night of the year. Only about 100 left in stock, get them while you can!

A novel approach to star trails

Christian Sasse took night sky photos every 60 minutes - from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia - and then superimposed them to create this image. Click here to see this image animated, and to see more examples of this technique. 

Circumpolar stars don't rise or set

Here are some ordinary star trails, made possible (as in Christian's image above) by Earth's spin. Image via Shutterstock.

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