
Monday, June 12, 2017

EarthSky News - June 12 - How Much Moon Do We See?

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How much moon do we see?   

One side of the moon always faces Earth. Even so, over time, lunar libration lets careful observers peek at a tiny portion of the moon’s far side.

Cottonwood trees and the snows of June   

Cottonwood trees in the American West are a nuisance to some and a treasure to others.  They yield shade, beautiful foliage and, in June, a kind of warm, fluffy snow.

Amazing views of nearby waltzing stars

Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to follow the 2 brown dwarfs in the Luhman 16AB system, as they move both across the sky and around each other.

On June evenings … Big Dipper high in north

Once you find the Big Dipper, you can find the Little Dipper, too.  

EarthSky Lunar Calendars are on sale 50% OFF

A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar. Keep up with all phases of the moon every night of the year. Only about 100 left in stock, get them while you can!

Fav photos: 2017's smallest full moon

EarthSky friends outdid themselves this weekend, taking photos of the full moon. This one is from Peter Ryan in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. More full moon photos here.

On June evenings … Big Dipper high in north

The 2 outermost stars in the Big Dipper's bowl point to the Little Dipper.
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