
Friday, June 30, 2017

EarthSky News - June 30 - Happy Asteroid Day

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Today is Asteroid Day 2017 

Yes, asteroids pose a threat to Earth, but they also represent untapped resources. Tune in to the Asteroid Day livestream and learn more.

Top 10 things to know about asteroids

For example, if all known asteroids were rolled into a ball, they'd still be smaller than Earth’s moon ... except for 1 big one.

Today in science: Tunguska explosion

We celebrate Asteroid Day on June 30 because it's the anniversary of a 1908 explosion over Siberia that killed reindeer and flattened trees.

Where's the moon? 1st quarter

It officially happens tomorrow, but, if you live in the Americas, watch for a nearly 1st quarter moon tonight. It'll appear half-illuminated and near Jupiter!

Tonight … 1st quarter moon with Jupiter

They're the 2 brightest objects in the evening sky.

Buy 5 eclipse glasses get a free 2016 lunar calendar!

While supplies last...A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar FREE when you purchase 5 eclipse glasses.

1st quarter moon with Jupiter

Clouded out tonight? Enjoy the moon and Jupiter Saturday evening, too!

Where's the moon? 1st quarter

The Earth and moon are like mirrors to each other. If you were on the 1st quarter moon tonight, you'd see a last quarter Earth. Simulation of tonight's Earth viewed from the moon via Fourmilab.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

EarthSky News - June 29 - Moon and Jupiter Next Few Evenings

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Tonight … Moon approaching Jupiter
You can’t miss them Thursday evening, given a clear sky! And they'll be even closer Friday evening.
Why do quasars twinkle?
Is it just a coincidence that some twinkling quasars are close on the sky's dome to hot, bright stars? New research suggests a connection and an explanation for a 30-year-old mystery.
Asteroid Day 2017 is June 30
There are hundreds of planned events, from films and concerts to panels with engineers, scientists and astronauts. Click here for more info and links.

Rainbow reflected at sunset    

Click here to check out an amazing image by master sky photographer Göran Strand in Sweden. Or ... look below!

EarthSky Lunar Calendars are on sale 50% OFF

A unique and beautiful poster-sized calendar. Keep up with all phases of the moon every night of the year. Only about 100 left in stock, get them while you can!

Tonight … Moon approaching Jupiter
Do you have binoculars? Try searching for the star Zavijava (Beta Virginis) in the same binocular field as the moon.
Rainbow reflected at sunset
To capture an image like this one, where the sky rainbow and reflected rainbow in the water make a perfect circle, your timing has to be perfect. Image via Fotograf Göran Strand.
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